Thursday, May 16, 2013

Insanity: Why You Shouldn't Fear It

Before I start, this is not to discredit the Insanity fitness program. It is to do much the opposite!

My decision to begin Insanity was largely based on an upcoming trip: Vegas, baby! And this isn't just any old trip to Vegas - this is to participate in Beachbody's annual Summit! And what happens at Summit? Live workouts with the trainers. And who is going to be there? Shaun T.  If there is one thing I didn't want, it was for my first Insanity workout to be in front of the man himself. I didn't need him seeing me cry, or vomit all over his squeaky clean sneakers.
This fear sort of lingered deep within me about a week before I started the program. I was getting ready to run a half marathon and I'm not sure what I was more nervous about: the race, or the Insanity workouts starting the day after the race. But that fear quickly dissipated as I began further reviewing the product. I knew it was awesome, I knew it worked, but reading more and more testimonials from others just solidified it in my mind that this was what I needed to go to that next level and get in the best shape of my life. EVERYONE was doing it! New moms, college students, middle-aged individuals, and even senior citizens! Insanity was positively affecting the lives of not just people like me, but everyone that surrounded me.

The first time I pushed play, I was already sweating with anticipation prior to doing ANY movement. Looking back on it now, that was so stupid of me! I mean, it's a workout, come on! There is NO reason to be afraid of a little Insanity!

When you begin to feel discouraged about this program, remember this:

(1) It's YOUR program. You do it at your home. No one is witnessing you if you have to take a break. No one is screaming at you or giving you the stink eye if you feel challenged one day. There's no judgement from others. Do it for you. Do it at your own pace. Set out to impress yourself, and don't allow yourself to let you down.

(2) Insanity is more mental than physical. Again, it is physically challenging and you WILL be tapping out if you are saying, "I hate this" "I can't". You need to think positive the entire time: "Just go! Just go! Just go!", "Don't you quit! Don't you quit! Don't you quit!" Those are my favorite phrases to say when the going gets tough

(3) When you do tap out, remind yourself it's okay. Think about it: If you spent the money on this program and could do it the entire way through at first wouldn't that be a waste of your money?? It's not meant to be easy! It's not meant to be able to be followed along right off the bat. It is meant to challenge you physically, teach you to break past barriers mentally, and get you to work your ass off! If it didn't do that, I'd say go get your money back. This isn't one of your old school programs used "to get you moving". This is in a class all its own. So if you tap out, praise yourself for how far you came, and go further next time.

The things in life that give you the best feelings, are the ones that include some work to achieve. You are worth your results. You are worth the sweat, the struggle, and the time for these workouts. Don't let it beat you up. Show up every day, push play, and get it done.

Questions? Comments? I'd love to hear them! Feel free to send me a message and I'll respond within 24 hours! Thanks for reading!

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